What You Really Need to Succeed in an Interview

No matter how much we dread them, interviews are absolute indispensable aspects of academic as well as professional life. While we have no escape from interviews whatsoever, it is better to mould our approach towards them so we can emerge successful each time we have to appear for one. Here are some ways in which you can amp up your interview game, read on to find out.

1.      Do Your Research

Ensure that you indulge in some research before sitting for the interview as knowing about the institution goes a long way in setting the right intent. It conveys that you have invested effort towards understanding the values and driving mechanisms of the institution, that in turn points towards your resolute to be a part of it. Possessing prior knowledge around the curriculum, co-curricular activities and the ideals of the institution, makes it easier for you to carry a conversation with the interview panel and it also puts the panel at ease while initiating a conversation, for they do not have to set a backdrop for you each time they want to ask a question.

1.      Convey Your Interest

Another essential step to succeed in an interview is to put across your intent of participation in varied activities quite outwardly. Having your research right is one aspect but communicating your interest to partake in certain activities or associate with clubs and collectives is another imperative that one needs to put out well. When you list out the engagements that you plan to immerse yourself in, during your time at the university, the action demonstrates your active interest in the university along with presenting how you will be able to add value to the dynamic of the institution.

2.      Prepare For Common Questions

While bracing yourself with university information is crucial, it is as important to prepare for common interview questions that can generally be expected on interviews. Make sure to recollect dominant pointers from your profile right before beginning so that you don’t skip them over while talking about your work profile. Also spend some time before the interview in thinking about your strengths, weaknesses and the areas of improvement so that you don’t have to ponder over these things on the spot.

3.      Presentation & First Impression

Physical presentation serves a function as important as interaction when it comes to casting an impression. It is therefore essential to dress appropriately, adorn a pleasing demeanour and maintain a polite eye contact, particularly during the initial bits of contact to cast the right first impression.

4.      Stay Calm & Confident

Interviews might be nerve-wrecking experiences for some, owing to the high intensity of expectations associated with them. However, it is helpful to understand that it is solely our mind that is causing us to be nervous during or even before the start of the interview. Trying to stay calm and confident can significantly help one slide through any interview with ease. You can indulge in breathing exercises to stay calm and remembering about the instances in life where you have delivered exceptional performance can support in gathering  confidence in the moment.

It is then with these small changes in conduct that one can ace all interviews that they are placed in, landing up the positions that they aspire for.


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