The Increasing Popularity of Micro-Credentials and Stackable Credentials

Micro-credentials and stackable credentials are becoming increasingly popular in the education and workforce development sectors. These types of credentials allow individuals to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in specific areas, and can be stacked to earn a full degree or certification. These forms of certifications also support an individual to demonstrate efficiency in navigating through the demands of the job role or academic position that they are going to be associating themselves with. Illustration of such competencies can go a long way in building an individual’s profile and the essentiality of strong profiling cannot be emphasized more upon, especially for the purpose of association with institutions and/or organisations abroad.

While this is the case, micro-credentials and stackable credentials can work as golden tickets leading you to collate and present an impressive profile that can in-turn help you actualise your aspirations. Through this article, we dig deeper into these qualification elevators and discuss how you can use them to amp up your application game. Read on to find out more.

Micro Credentials

Beginning with Micro-credentials, they are also referred to as digital badges or micro-certifications and are essentially small, specialized credentials that demonstrate a person's proficiency in a specific skill or subject. These credentials can be earned through online courses, workshops, or other forms of self-paced learning. They are often offered by universities, professional organizations, and companies, and can be earned in a shorter amount of time compared to traditional degrees or certifications.

Stackable Credentials

Stackable credentials, on the other hand, refer to the practice of earning multiple micro-credentials that can be "stacked" to form a larger, more comprehensive credential. This allows individuals to gradually build up their skills and credentials over time, rather than having to commit to a traditional degree or certification program.

Advantages of Micro and Stackable Credentials


One of the main benefits of micro-credentials and stackable credentials is their flexibility. They can be earned online, at any time, and at one's own pace, making it easy for working professionals to continue learning and developing new skills while maintaining their current job. They also allow individuals to focus on specific areas of interest or industry needs, rather than having to complete a broader curriculum.

Cost Effectiveness

Another benefit is their cost-effectiveness. Micro-credentials and stackable credentials are often less expensive than traditional degrees or certifications, and they can be earned in a shorter amount of time. This can make them a more accessible option for many people, including those who may not have the financial resources to pursue a traditional degree.

Things to Note

While micro and stackable credentials offer a more convenient means of garnering qualifications, it is also essential to track their credibility and check with the institutional or organisational requirements beforehand. Another aspect to keep in consideration is that the value of all micro-credentials and stackable credentials is not equal. Their value is majorly determined by the level of rigor, the quality of the institution offering it, and the relevance of the skills and knowledge that the credential represents. It is therefore important for individuals to research and choose high-quality credentials from reputable institutions to add to their profile and upscale their ov


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