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Beyond The Big 4: Exploring Indian Students’ Shift From Traditional Study Abroad Destinations

In recent years, the landscape of international education for Indian students has undergone a significant transformation. Traditionally, the Big Four study destinations— the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia—dominated the choices for Indian students pursuing higher education abroad. However, recent trends indicate a growing shift towards a more diverse range of study destinations. In this blog, we dig in deep to explore the shift.

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Intelligent Education . Intelligent Education .

Navigating Rejection: Paving the Path to Ivy League Triumph

Receiving a rejection letter from a college can feel like a monumental setback, especially when you have set your sights high. It's natural to feel disappointed, but it's crucial to understand that rejection is not a reflection of your worth or potential. In fact, it can be a pivotal moment in your academic journey, propelling you towards even greater achievements, including acceptance to Ivy League institutions. In this blog, we explore how to turn a college rejection into a powerful catalyst for personal and academic growth.

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Intelligent Education . Intelligent Education .

Skill Sets That Make You Employable in Today's Job Market

In today's rapidly evolving job market, possessing the right skill sets is crucial to standing out as an employable candidate. Whether you're a recent graduate or an experienced professional looking to make a career change, honing a mix of technical and soft skills can significantly enhance your employability. Here’s a detailed look at the skill sets that employers are currently seeking.

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Intelligent Education . Intelligent Education .

Exploring the Sharp Decline in Students Choosing Canada for Study Abroad

Canada has long been a top choice for international students, especially from India, due to its quality education system, diverse environment, and post-graduate work options. However, recent data shows a significant decline in Study Permit applications from Indian students, dropping by 41% in the latter half of 2023 compared to the previous year. This decline is notable as Indian students form nearly half of Canada's international student population. Let’s explore the possible reasons behind this trend.

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Exploring the Long-Term Career Implications of Studying Abroad

Studying abroad offers a transformative experience that extends far beyond the classroom, providing students with unique opportunities for personal growth, cultural immersion, and academic enrichment. Beyond these immediate benefits, studying abroad can also have profound long-term implications for one's career trajectory and professional development. Let’s explore the various ways in which studying abroad can positively impact your long-term career prospects and open doors to exciting opportunities.

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Intelligent Education . Intelligent Education .

Europe for Studying Abroad: A Magnet for International Students

Europe stands as a beacon of academic excellence, offering a diverse array of educational opportunities that attract students from all corners of the globe. With its rich history, cultural diversity, world-class universities, and innovative teaching methods, Europe has emerged as an irresistible destination for international students seeking quality education and enriching experiences. Let's delve into why Europe is such an attractive destination for higher education.

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Exploring the Non-Academic Benefits of Studying Abroad

Studying abroad is more than just attending classes and earning academic credits. It's an immersive experience that offers a multitude of non-academic benefits, shaping students' lives in transformative ways. From personal growth to cultural enrichment, here's a closer look at the myriad of benefits that studying abroad offers beyond academic development.

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overseas education, management courses, New Zealand Intelligent Education . overseas education, management courses, New Zealand Intelligent Education .

New Zealand's Educational Excellence: Management Programs at Leading Kiwi Universities

New Zealand is gradually emerging as a global hub for academic excellence, especially in the realm of management education, making it an increasingly popular choice of destination for students aspiring for education abroad. Through this blog, we discover some popular Kiwi Universities along with delving into what makes them stand out.

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