Intelligent Education . Intelligent Education .

How to Build a Personal Brand as a Student: The Art of Self-Promotion Before Graduation

In today's competitive world, building a personal brand as a student is essential for standing out and paving the way for career success. By strategically managing your online presence, developing key skills, and actively networking, you can position yourself as a standout candidate even before graduation. Here's how to effectively build your personal brand and excel at self-promotion while still in school.

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Intelligent Education . Intelligent Education .

5 Ways To Highlight Your Study Abroad Experience on LinkedIn

Studying abroad is a transformative experience that not only enhances your academic knowledge but also fosters personal growth and professional skills. To make the most of this opportunity, it is essential to highlight your experiences on LinkedIn, so you can continue to emphasize on your learnings abroad long after your journey is over. This blog explores five strategies you can consider to effectively showcase your study abroad experience on your LinkedIn profile. Read on!

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