Intelligent Education . Intelligent Education .

From Classroom to Career: How New Zealand Universities Prepare Students for the Workforce

Embarking on a journey through higher education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's also about preparing for the professional world beyond graduation. In New Zealand, universities play a pivotal role in equipping students with the skills, experiences, and mindset needed to thrive in today's competitive workforce. Let's explore how New Zealand universities prepare students for successful careers and bridge the gap between the classroom and the professional realm.

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Intelligent Education . Intelligent Education .

Pride Month Special: Best Practices for Inclusivity by Universities Abroad

Inclusivity is a complex and evolving aspect of higher education, and universities across the world are making efforts to create welcoming environments for individuals of all gender identities. This blog explores some examples of gender inclusivity best practices adopted by international universities.

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Intelligent Education . Intelligent Education .

Creating an Inclusive Environment for LGBTQIA+ Students During Your Education Abroad

Overseas education offers incredible opportunities for personal and academic growth. As a student venturing into a new country and educational environment, you have the power to shape the atmosphere and promote diversity and inclusion, particularly for LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and other related identities) students. In this blog, we shall explore practical ways you can ensure the creation of a diverse and inclusive environment for LGBTQIA+ students while pursuing your study abroad programs.

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